Believe it or not, many college football teams are 1/3 of their way through the 2016 regular season already. Since most of the coming weeks games will land on October 1st it seems like time for me to post my first rankings of the 2016 season. Since we have a relatively small game sample size I am limiting this first list to 15 teams.
1) ALABAMA 4-0 Same old, same old.
2) OHIO STATE 3-0 Et tu URBAN?!
3) LOUISVILLE 4-0 PETRINO rises from his own ashes.
4) CLEMSON 4-0 Too good not to be here, but not playing top level yet.
5) MICHIGAN 4-0 The Fighting Harbaughs look for real to me.
6) TEXAS A&M 4-0 This ain’t their first 4-0 start under SUMLIN.
7) HOUSTON 4-0 TOM HERMAN could be the next “great one” & Big 12 better expand now.
8) TENNESSEE 4-0 Not in top gear yet, but they have survived a tough opening schedule.
9) STANFORD 3-0 Their overall style can be boring, but they are rock solid. Time will tell.
10) WISCONSIN 4-0 DITTO above!
11) WASHINGTON 4-0 The hot, sexy team with no senior-itis to worry about.
12) FLORIDA STATE 3-1 Ran into buzz saw in Louisville, but this young team will improve.
13) UTAH 4-0 Not convinced they have horses for long haul, but what a start.
14) NEBRASKA 4-0 DITTO above!
15) BAYLOR 4-0 Nice to see HC JIM GROBE finally lead a talent laden roster.
We’ll look at this list in a couple more weeks. Expect changes.